There is rarely talked about among friends and at work not at all ... But it is far from something to be ashamed. Information about exchange can help make certain choices and possibly a major environmental problem solving. About the environment later, but let's talk about our toilet use have ... do you use them or not? I mean, after the small-it does not necessarily, but after the big message? And if not, why not? Our baby's legs were still always fully cleaned with wet wipes?
Right, moist toilet paper, since we are talking about. They come in all different brands, sizes and degrees of humidity. Research is needed. After using wet wipes you tend to agree with just yet (dry) toilet paper to wipe that will not be the intention ... The perfume content varies by brand. The smell of too strongly scented wipes remains so behind on your hands. Even after the usual (by mothers often called) "Wash hands after peeing," for that you need anyway, even when using moist toilet paper. And a cloth should preferably not contain too much alcohol and so-called pH-neutral, because then the acidity of the there unaffected say. The perfect wet cloth must be well balanced in terms of humidity, perfumes and pH. What the children, like wrapping it in a nice colorful storage box. Parents may watch more on price / quality ratio.
The fact remains that you yourself feel fresher after using a piece of hygiene and that certainly adds value. But ... where we let it? This I refer to the aforementioned big environmental problem. Because that seems to be there. It may not already have it moist toilet paper down the toilet flushing. Some species found in the sewage system and sewage treatment to cause major problems. That resolve cost very much money and so should we as taxpayers cough up. What types are not allowed to be thrown in the toilet? That is exactly on the packaging and throws you in a designated waste bucket. Just read the package instructions and so, problem solved I think. Everyone on the wet wipes and just talks about it I'd say...
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